Crux Virtual Event

May 24, 2022 | 1 PM ET

Crux Verify: Quality Data Products, Delivered

Join us for 45 minutes as we welcome speakers from the Crux Product Team to unveil a new feature.  Hear directly from the product leaders about how Crux Verify works, what problems it solves, and how you can get started monitoring data quality today.

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Teams relying on an external data source face a common challenge: data sources don’t always arrive as expected.

This forces data experts to spend their valuable time performing tedious activities like monitoring the pipeline, creating and scheduling data sampling queries, building and testing anomaly detection algorithms, building alerting mechanisms, and anything else that can ensure the quality of the data upon delivery. 

And even then, all that administrative work doesn’t even guarantee that your external third party data is shaped the way you need it, and it’s often a case of fitting a square peg into a round hole. It isn’t scalable to continue this level of work for a mediocre solution. 

At Crux, we breathe external data, and we continually seek to address customer pain points at every step of the external data delivery and usage process. The beginning of that pipeline flow is no exception. That’s why we built Crux Verify. 



Dan Lynn

SVP, Product




Jason Taylor

Head of Data Solutions



handy pic

Chris Handy

 Sr. Product Marketing Manager




About Crux

Crux is a cloud-based data integration and operations platform that accelerates the value realization between external and internal data. Crux partners with our customers to ensure they get the data they need, how they need it and where they need it. Its team builds data pipelines at scale and operates over 25K pre-engineered pipelines, delivering public and third-party datasets to the destination of choice. Crux pipelines come with embedded data monitoring, validations and transformations, and are supported 24/7 by our global operations team. Crux works with over 50 enterprise clients and is backed by Two Sigma, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Citi, among others.